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Xaver Hopfgartner

I’m a motion designer and digital artist specialized in the creation of immersive multimedia experiences.

I have dedicated my career to the exploration and unification of the analog and digital realms, resulting in unique, captivating experiences that defy traditional boundaries.

My passion and interest lie in the seamless integration of these seemingly disparate worlds. To achieve this, I employ a diverse array of techniques and mediums, always striving to produce innovative and engaging works that resonate with audiences. This pursuit constantly pushes me to stay at the forefront of technological advancements, allowing me to harness the latest innovations to enhance my work.

The outcomes of this approach are not just mere projects, but rather, they are experiences that merge the tactile and virtual, the real and the imagined. Through my work, I aim to challenge perceptions, to provoke thought, and to create a sense of wonder and engagement in viewers.

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